Illuminating Mischief
Turnbull’s light-bulb ban
was, I say, emblematic
of the statist man.
His awarmist views
suggest that Turnbull’s present
restraint is a ruse.
Awarmists can’t be
rational, logical or
prudent* fiscally.
Turnbull’s light-bulb ban
was, I say, emblematic
of the statist man.
His awarmist views
suggest that Turnbull’s present
restraint is a ruse.
Awarmists can’t be
rational, logical or
prudent* fiscally.
* earlier, at Catallaxy Files, I posted this comment:
As I have suggested elsewhere it it impossible to be an awarmist and a fiscal conservative at the same time. To believe in the pseudo-scientific conjecture of AGW a person has to reject logic and science in favour of immoderate irrationality; to support the supposed solutions to the non-existent problem of global warming—which involve massive spending, increased taxes and illiberal statist controls—believers perforce deny personal liberty and freedoms in general; such a person cannot reasonably be expected to consider other issues logically, scientifically or prudently.The egomaniacal, amoral and seemingly psychopathic Turnbull is evidently more dangerous than Rudd and Gillard combined.