“Everyone is worried about stopping terrorism. Well, there’s a really easy way: Stop participating in it.”
—Noam Chomsky
In a back street of a large, major city a jihadist grabs a passing stranger, Joe, and holds a scimitar to his throat.Jihadist: Die, crusading bastard!Joe: Hey, stop! I’m not involved.Jihadist (holding his scimitar away from Joe’s throat but still holding Joe in a strong grip): What?Joe: Your struggle has nought to do with me. I don’t participate in terrorism. I believe in live-and-let-live and, to the extent that I have any awareness of the issues, I support your freedom to follow your religion in any way which seems best to you for I am a man of cultured reason and tolerance. I have “an audacious confidence in the fundamental goodness of others”, including your good self.*Jihadist: You’re not a tool of the oppressive, imperialist crusader dogs?Joe: No, not I. I am the very definition of a non-participant.Jihadist: Wait, I don’t kill you?Joe: If it’s no trouble.Jihadist (releasing Joe): Oh, well, sorry to have bothered you. I’ll go grab another victim to behead then.Joe: Nice chatting with you. Good luck with your endeavours. See ya.Jihadist: Thanks. Bye.
* the words from “I am” to “self”, featuring a quote from the ABC’s jihadist-loving Jonathan Green, were suggested by a poster, Rabz, at Catallaxy Files.
Remember, you too can gain an underserved reputation for wisdom simply by voicing similarly quotable admonitions; for example, try “There’s a really easy way to stop x: stop participating in it”, wherein x = “murder”, “rape”, “burglaries”, “the heat-death of the universe”, “poverty”, “rough, dry elbows” or “superhero sequels”.
Remember, you too can gain an underserved reputation for wisdom simply by voicing similarly quotable admonitions; for example, try “There’s a really easy way to stop x: stop participating in it”, wherein x = “murder”, “rape”, “burglaries”, “the heat-death of the universe”, “poverty”, “rough, dry elbows” or “superhero sequels”.